Canvas Interface Redesign
Jingwen Li
Canvas Interface Redesign
Jingwen Li

Canvas Interface Redesign is an interface design group project that helps to improve the user experience of Canvas. The current layout of Canvas’s Homepage has much information that is not useful to students and is not conducive to assignment completion. Base on the experience of the recent Canvas homepage, our team listed out some major issues and we design our interview questions. Since almost every student uses the canvas, we decided to interview both lower level and upper-level students from different schools and college. After we did the observation interviews and researchers, we decided to redesign the Canvas into a customized homepage that would fulfill different needs for different students.
Canvas Interface Redesign is an interface design group project that helps to improve the user experience of Canvas. The current layout of Canvas’s Homepage has much information that is not useful to students and is not conducive to assignment completion. Base on the experience of the recent Canvas homepage, our team listed out some major issues and we design our interview questions. Since almost every student uses the canvas, we decided to interview both lower level and upper-level students from different schools and college. After we did the observation interviews and researchers, we decided to redesign the Canvas into a customized homepage that would fulfill different needs for different students.
Hello! 👋 I'm Jingwen Li
Product Designer & Student Entrepreneur
I’m an Integrated Product Design graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania & a creative HUMAN:)

Ex Product Strategy Intern @
Ex UX Design Intern @
Founder of the art trading platform

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